Foster Youth Employment

missouri employment for foster youth

Connecting Foster Youth With Missouri Businesses

Imagine spending the last few years of your childhood bouncing to a different bed every three months, unable to learn basic life skills because of a lack of consistent, supportive adults, and then being told “it’s time to be an adult.” It’s no wonder that youth age out of foster care without a caring support system are at an increased risk of homelessness, incarceration, and their own children entering foster care - outcomes which are all exacerbated by unemployment.

According to a multi-state study, 54% of Missouri former foster youth are still unemployed by age 21.

Jobs Can Help. Youth Are Eager to Work for a Bright Future.

Landing that first job is tricky without someone to help open doors. With training and support from FosterAdopt Connect and business employment partners like you, a well-trained workforce and increased availability of qualified workers will bolster workforce development in Missouri while simultaneously benefiting businesses and current and former foster youth.

foster youth professional workplace

We Partner Businesses and Foster Youth by:

Providing foster youth with skill development training to address the workforce needs in their own communities.

Partnering with potential employers and serving as a connection between employers and capable foster youth.

Providing businesses with the ongoing support and trauma-informed training needed to effectively employ this population.

To learn more, complete the quick form below or call 816-350-0215 Ext #314