Easing the Transition into Adulthood
For youth impacted by the foster care system without reuniting with their birth family or being adopted, the transition to adulthood can be fraught with hurdles. On average, youth exiting care without adult support face grim statistics:
- 42% will be convicted of a crime
- 20% experience instant homelessness
- 70% of girls become pregnant by age 21
Stories About Who We Serve
Connecting Youth with Invaluable Resources
FosterAdopt Connect’s Community Connections YouThrive (CCYT) helps current and former foster youth, ages 17-24 (26 in Missouri), navigate the struggles of approaching adulthood without a solid support system. As foster care alumni, our case managers offer a unique perspective on how to transition from foster care to self-sufficiency because they have made that leap themselves.
We connect youth to resources in several areas, including housing, higher education, employment, healthcare, finances, social supports, transportation, legal advocacy, and more. Our goal is to see young adults find stable housing, secure employment, and develop the necessary skills to thrive in adulthood.
Additionally, matched savings assists young adults in meeting critical monetary goals through financial education and matched savings accounts. Savings may be used for expenses such as cars, housing, education, and employment!