Are you interested in being a champion for children? FosterAdopt Connect’s Road to Home Gala and Sock & Undie Rundie 5K committees make a difference for foster and adopted kids.

Committee members help with planning event logistics, requesting in-kind and sponsorship support, promoting the event, and volunteering on event day. It takes a variety of skills and talents to make events a success and we would appreciate the perspective you bring to the team.



Road to Home is a fun-filled evening where guests enjoy a cocktail hour, entertainment, live auction, savory dinner, and inspirational program that highlights the importance of innovative solutions for children and teens in foster care. This year the gala will take place on Saturday, October 3 at the Overland Park Convention Center.

The Sock & Undie Rundie 5K is a timed run/walk for kids, families, and competitive runners. This year the run will take place on Saturday, May 16 at Berkley Riverfront.



One committee meeting monthly (two the month preceding the event); sub-committee meetings as needed; and chosen amount of time you spend to fulfill your role(s) on the committee

We appreciate your time and resources dedicated to ensuring children find their forever family! Contact Courtney at for additional details.