David and Jayme Dean never planned to become foster parents. Jayme is a middle school math teacher and was approached by her school resource officer (also a foster parent) about a student that needed a safe and loving home. While David was in a meeting and unavailable, Jayme agreed to take placement of the child.

Since accepting the child into their home, David and Jayme have faced the constant challenges of case workers, therapists, Chafee workers, court issues and navigating a child with behavioral needs. They have advocated for an IEP, taken specialized training, participated in family therapy, researched and learned about the mental health services, and spent countless hours in waiting rooms and lines to meet the needs of their foster daughter. When a need isn’t being met, the Dean’s are the first to step in and make it happen.

David and Jayme take their role of foster parents very seriously and consistently have the best interests of their foster daughter in mind. Jayme has organized sibling visits for the five (5) children, contacting each foster parent and making a plan. She documents each visit and updates the entire team on the children’s interactions and time together. It is important to the couple to not only do their job as foster parents, but to go above and beyond to make sure that every opportunity is given to their foster daughter.

Even though David and Jayme did not plan to become foster parents, they have embraced their role in their foster daughter’s life. They are truly making a difference in not only her life, but with everyone they interact with during their journey. They are an amazing example of the selfless act of being a foster parent!