With nearly a week of social distancing under our belt, our time at home with kids who have experienced abuse and neglect has taught us a few things. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the constant feed of seemingly new information. Our children absorb our stress and struggle to manage their negative behaviors. The pressure to parent 24/7 while keeping the house clean and holding down a job is high. More than 47% of FosterAdopt Connect’s staff have direct personal experience with foster care and adoption, and an even larger percent are parents. We get it. And we’re right here with you.

Here are a few tips and resources to help navigate your time at home with foster and adopted kids. Identify what will help your family, take a deep breath, and do what you can.

Create a routine. Let kids know there is a routine. Wake up and go to bed around the same time. Not only is sleep good for the brain, but a daily rhythm helps kids (and adults!) develop a sense of stability.  Check out this SAMPLE ROUTINE.

There’s no “Best Pinterest Parent” award on the line. Don’t let social media lure you into a fake competition, because at the end of the day if our kids know that they are safe and loved, we have done a big part of our job.

Go outside. The feel of wind and dirt on their hands is therapeutic and can help kids burn energy.

Spend 20 minutes or so tapping into your calming imagination space. ImaginAction helps kids (and adults!) be more in control of how they feel. Check it out HERE.

Create a little space in the day for you – even if it means locking yourself in the bathroom after the kids’ bedtime pretending that you’re in the shower so you aren’t interrupted while watching an episode of The Office

Kim Wilcox, a friend of FosterAdopt Connect, compiled this great list of resources for families. Include them in your daily routine and have fun with it!

Together, we can help children experience love and stability.