The Olinger family became licensed foster parents in 2012 and began working with FosterAdopt Connect in 2018. Through their years of fostering, they provided care for twenty-one children, all mainly sibling groups, while managing their blended biological family. The Olinger’s have a passionate commitment to siblings and nurturing sibling bonds.

In March 2015, the Olinger’s took placement of three siblings out of a group of six. Two weeks later, a fourth sibling was born and placed with the family.  The family coordinated sibling visitation with all of the placement providers of the other two siblings. Through persistent advocating, they obtained placement of the fifth sibling in October 2018. Finally, after dedicated advocacy with Children’s Division and the previous foster and relative homes, the Olinger’s took placement of all six children in December 2018. The family was able to provide routine and structure for all the children, and request the services they needed to maintain placement, such as Behavioral Interventionists and family therapy. The Olinger’s remained committed to keeping the sibling group together as the children worked through their individual trauma. Even through managing multiple children, behaviors, and needs, the family preserved and maintained placement.

In September 2019, the Olinger’s became the children’s forever family through adoption. The family is committed to these children and seeking whatever supports they may need in the future to ensure that all of the children remain in their home until they are adults. We are privileged to honor the Olinger family as the FosterAdopt Connect Foster Family of the Month.