
We recently learned that as a part of issuing new child care provider agreements to child care centers, the Child Care section of the Missouri Children’s Division has included a section which reads, “5.9 The provider may collect co-payment directly for adoption subsidy families when the provider’s rate for care is higher than the maximum base rate, plus incentive paid by the division. In addition, the provider may collect additional funds to include enrollment fees, field trip fees, activity fees, transportation, etc. This is a significant change in the way adoptive and guardianship families have benefited from childcare subsidy services previously. For many families, the change will cost them $150-$300/child per month, and possibly more.


Currently the change is on hold, as current childcare provider agreements have been extended through the end of July of 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  However, we believe that it would be in the best interest of each of you, and your children, to consider taking some action to share your thoughts about this change starting now.


We at FosterAdopt Connect are deeply concerned about the implications of this policy change for our adoptive and guardianship families and believe it will create financial barriers to permanency for most average income families, who already lose the professional parenting incentive when they finalize permanency for foster children in their care.


Please find below two suggested draft letters, along with the email address in the Child Care section of the Missouri Children’s Division and links to find the contact information for your elected officials, that can be used to communicate your concerns. These letters are created for current adoptive/guardianship families and for foster families (who are not currently targeted by this change). We strongly suggest that you personalize our draft language to add your own thoughts and your own information. Personal letters carry far more weight than ‘form’ letters.


We also suggest you make your child’s adoption/guardianship subsidy worker aware of your concerns and that you consider reaching out to your elected representatives to express your concerns as well.


At a time when it is abundantly clear how much our foster, adoptive, relative and kinship families are needed to serve Missouri’s kids, this is a big step in the wrong direction for our kids and the families that care for them.



Lori Ross, President/CEO

FosterAdopt Connect


Sample Adoptive Family Letter

Via email to: CD.AskECPS@dss.mo.gov

Subject: Co-Pay


To Whom It May Concern;


My name is ______________, and I am the adoptive parent of ______ children who previously were in the foster care system.  My family has benefited from the use of the child care subsidy program for several years.  Without the child care subsidy program, it is likely that we may have been unable to adopt some of our children, because we must work outside of the home in order to support our family.

I was recently made aware of a proposed change in the child care subsidy rules which will allow child care centers to charge adoptive parents for co-pays, enrollment fees, field trip fees, activity fees, transportation and more.  I spoke with my children’s child care center, and am aware that this change will directly cost me more than____ per month out of pocket.   This will create a significant hardship for my family, and will virtually wipe out the adoption subsidy maintenance check that we receive.  It will likely derail our family’s financial security which is already frequently at risk because of the multiple and costly special needs that my children have as a result of the traumas they experienced prior to joining our family.

I understand that this change is currently ‘on hold’ as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, however when that hold is lifted, my family will face this additional crisis.  I am sincerely asking that you reconsider this change in policy for adoptive families.  This will directly hurt my family.



Insert name and city/county.



Sample Foster Family Letter

Via email to: CD.AskECPS@dss.mo.gov

Subject: Co-Pay


To Whom It May Concern;


My name is ______________, and I am the foster parent of ______ children who currently benefit from the child care subsidy program.

I was recently made aware of a proposed change in the child care subsidy rules which will allow child care centers to charge adoptive parents for co-pays, enrollment fees, field trip fees, activity fees, transportation and more.   This change may cause my family not to be able to consider providing permanency through adoption for my current foster children or any future foster children because of the costs that I would incur as a result of this policy.   In our home it takes two incomes for us to pay our bills.  With all of the additional expenses that we must absorb as a result of our children’s special needs due to the traumas they have experienced, we likely could not afford daycare for our children as a result of this change.

I understand that this change is currently ‘on hold’ as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, however when that hold is lifted, my family will face this additional crisis.  I am sincerely asking that you reconsider this change in policy for adoptive families.  This will directly hurt my family.



Insert name and city/county.


Contact Your Elected Officials